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About Positive Concepts, Inc.





Michael L Schwartz started Positive Concepts following, as he puts it: being invited to leave his employer.


As events sometimes unfold, shortly after his departure he​ had time to consider what his next move would be. For personal reasons, Michael had not informed his former employer of his medical condition even though treatment and recovery may have postponed his departure date. 


Since he had experience in engineering and project management, employment in either of those areas was an option. However, he anticipated an ongoing spate of layoffs from the defense industry where he had been employed. Additionally, he had been growing dissatisfied with being a corporate employee. It was just no longer a pattern he desired to continue on. 


Michael considered self-employment, but in what field? 


He considered that with the wide variety of positions he had held and the diverse industries he worked in, he would provide training.


What, specifically, would he consult on and provide training in?


Thinking back on his experience, it occurred that most problems on programs, projects, product development, and so on, did not happen for lack of technical talent. Indeed, he considered himself fortunate to have worked with immensely talented professionals in their respective fields. The problems were nearly always due to human interactions or lack thereof. Researching further, he found that many other failures and disasters were mainly due to human failure (aka operator error).


Since then, Michael has decided to focus on training in what some would call "People Skills" or "Soft Skills" but which he prefers to think of as "Life Skills". These include:


  • Emotional Intelligence

  • Dealing with difficult people

  • Understanding procrastination 

  • Leadership


Please look through this site for more about Dr. Michael L Schwartz, DBA, PE, PMP and Positive Concepts.






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